
Aika: Ke 27.3.2024 klo 14-15
Paikka: Verkkokokous, linkki tilaisuuteen lähetetään ilmoittautuneille ennen tilaisuutta

DIALux evon käyttöehdoissa tapahtui muutoksia 1.3.2024 alkaen. Mitä muutokset merkitsevät? Mitä vaikutuksia muutoksilla on ohjelmiston käyttäjille? Entä vaikutukset valaisinvalmistajille?

Tilaisuudessa käydään läpi DIALux evon käytön eri vaihtoehdot hintoineen
sekä mitä eri versioilla voi tehdä, ja mitä ei.

Tilaisuuden alustajana on Petteri Laine, Evoluks Oy.

Tilaisuus on maksuton ja kaikille avoin. Ilmoittautumiset tästä.

Is DIALux really a free software?
DIALux is free of charge for users. Anyone can use DIALux for personal, educational and commercial purposes. Luminaire manufacturers can present their brand in DIALux and offer detailed product data for planning. To do so, manufacturers need to buy a DIALux membership and these membership fees fund the development of the DIALux software. Additionally, since 2020, we also sell extensions/add-ons for DIALux to users by subscription. Learn more about our business model here.

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Why do you only allow products from DIALux Members in the free version of DIALux evo?
We are able to offer DIALux evo free of charge because manufacturers, as DIALux Members, ensure the financing of development with their membership fees. It is important for us to secure this financing model for the future and thus make DIALux evo even more powerful and better. We can only achieve this if more manufacturers get involved as DIALux Members. Since March 2024, the free version of DIALux evo only allows planning and calculation with luminaires from DIALux Members. If you want to continue using luminaires from manufacturers who are not DIALux Members, you can purchase the Pro function Unlock Non-Members as a subscription from us. As a DIALux Pro user, nothing will change for you: the function is already included here at no extra charge.